Gluten free vegetable soup

Whether it is a cold, damp day outside or you simply are craving a delicious soup, this gluten free vegetable soup recipe is simple, quick and delicious!

Be sure to wash all produce to get them clean as possible

Ingredients (all ingredients are fresh unless otherwise noted)

Onions (1 cup finely chopped)

Celery ( ¼ cup finely chopped)

Carrots (1/2 cup chopped)

Green beans (1 cup chopped)

Mushrooms (1 ½ cup sliced)

Tomatoes (1 cup chopped)

Potatoes (1 cup cut into slices)

Green onion (2 tablespoons chopped)

Maria’s marinara sauce (2 tablespoons)

Honey (1 tablespoon)

Gluten free pasta (1 cup)

Creole seasoning or Emeril’s essesence (1 tablespoon)

Vegetable Bouillon (1 small cube)

Rosemary (dried- ¼ teaspoon)

Red pepper (1/4 teaspoon)

Bell’s seasoning (1/2 teaspoon)

Ginger (dried- ½ teaspoon)

Parsley (1/4 cup)

Butter (2 tablespoons)

Olive oil (2 tablespoons)

Water (3 quarts)


In large stockpot heat up the oil and butter together. Add the onions and celery and sauté for approx 3 minutes or until just softened.

Next add the carrots and green beans and continue to simmer another 2 minutes.

Next add all of the water to the stockpot along with the mushrooms, tomatoes, potatoes,honey, marinara sauce, green onions, chopped parsley, and all other spices.

Simmer the gluten free soup for approx 50 minutes and then add in the gluten free pasta and simmer approx 20 more minutes.

Let the soup cool and serve!

Serves 8 people

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